Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 5: Marriage

Marriage In God's Eyes

  • 50% of all marriages end in divorce
  • You CAN save your marriage
  • Couples owe it to themselves and their partners to learn to stay together, not give up.
  • If you are single, do NOT get married thinking it will solve your problems (financial debt, lonliness, boredom, irresponsibility, immaturity)
  • Marriage combines two different people with different likes, dislikes, backgrounds, personalities, etc
  • Financial issues
  • Different disciplinary styles in raising children
  • Lack of knowledge of how to be married, no clue what you're doing
  • Too self-centered, expect to get more than they are willing to give
  • Wanting someone else to change, yet unwilling to change themselves
*Problems lead to broken marriages and families, violence, emotional issues, infidelity

Good Marriage
  • Both partners know what marriage really is
  • The marriage improves as time goes on
  • Having good insight and clear judgement, making the right decisions for the right reasons
  • Sharing a relationship with God
  • Partners focus on each other
  • Couples give themselves completely to each other, physically, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Marriage requires trust
  • Pray together
  • Have disciplined obedience against sinful temptations such as sexual immorality, addictions, overspending
  • Love each other beyond the superficial love
  • Forgive each other's past and move on together, exception: abuse and addictions (forgive but move on alone)
  • Communicate honestly and openly
  • Forgive one another, first with words, then actions
  • Re-examine original hopes and dreams that got you together
  • Discuss the benefits you enjoy as a couple
  • Seek help of counselor if needed
  • Read the bible and pray together
  • Pray for wisdom and patience in your marriage
  • Marriages change as people change, and its ok
Habits of Loving Couples
  • Pray for one another
  • Take care of one another
  • Suffer with one another
  • Get help from trained counselor if needed
  • Do not compare partner to others unfavorably
  • Do not spread stories about partner
  • Have confidence in each other
  • Talk to each other
  • Listen to one another
  • Treat each other with respect
  • Apologize and make amends when one treats the other unfairly
  • Never domineering, abusive, temperamental, manipulative, insensitive or irresponsible
  • Remind each other that they love each other, never assume they know
God and Marriage
  • God created the human need for companionship
  • God made us sexual beings that complement each other
  • Marriage and intimacy satisfies the human need for companionship
  • Sexual intimacy in marriage is a way to honor God through a couple's harmony
  • Sexual impulse is a special creation of God, designed to enrich your life as a means of commnication between married partners and a way of sharing their love with each other
Bible Verses And Quotes
  • "Marriage is a process of growing together in love, loyalty and understanding"
  • "Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate" -Mark 10:9
  • "A good marriage takes unshakable determination"
  • "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ" -Ephesians 5:21
  • "With forgiveness, any marriage can become a good marriage"
  • "It is not good that man should be alone..." -Genesis 2:18b

Prayer List
  • Raechel: has been getting bad news lately and is on her final appeal for the insurance company to pay for her stem cell transplant
  • Tammi: needs some home repairs
  • "Sassy": in an abusive marriage and needs to have the courage and strength to stay away
  • Joe: needs help with insomnia and substance abuse
  • Charlotte: recovering from eye surgery
  • Jon: needs guidance and love in his heart
  • Ashlee: single mother of 3, two with disabilities, needs love and support
  • Marcy: battling Crohn's, needs to be healed and needs positive energy sent her way
  • John: recovering from bowel surgery
  • Gracifer: dealing with emotional aspects of Crohn's disease..needs prayer that her life can return to normal and that she'll have faith in her future

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