Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 1: Prayer List

I'm going to start a prayer list on this blog. It will consist of friends, family members, people I meet on blogs and forums, as well as completely strangers I hear about through others and on the news, etc. In other words, anyone I can think of that needs prayer, will be on the list. So if you or someone you know needs prayer, regardless of how little or large the problem is, please add a comment below and they will be added.

 I will make a new prayer list once or more a week. I hope you will pray for these people along with me.  The prayer starter is below. This idea is 100% from my heart and the prayer comes straight from me so if you want to use it as a starter or not use it at all, thats great with me! If you have any prayer starters of your own, comment those as well please! God Bless.

Dear Lord,
Please help each individual in my list with their problems. Some are small and some are biggr, but they are all enourmous in our hearts and they mean alot to all of us. Please be with these indivuals and their families. Bless them with happiness and peace. Guide them through their lives and keep them in your path. If they are struggling, Lord, please be in their hearts and allow them to offer up their problems to you, Lord. Help us all to keep a positive attitude and give us the ability to count our blessings, not our trials and tribulations. Make your goodness evident to us all, Lord. And thank you for all your mercy and love. In your holy and precious name we pray AMEN.

Prayer List: March 11, 2012 (I left last names off for privacy concerns)
  • Linda:  has been having a cough and rough voice, unexplained for months.
  • Jon: needs guidance in how to manage his military and home life, show him how to love
  • Tammi : needs help financially and is also keeping a respiratory infection lately
  • Jasper : has brittle bones disease
  • Brady : has Autism
  • Alex :  has anxiety and bullying issues
  • Timothy: needs life guidance
  • Nancy: battling an undiagnosed IBD and financial issues, going through a tough time
  • Charlotte: having eye problems, needing surgery
  • Christy and Heath: having a baby in May, pray the pregnancy continues well and the baby comes out healthy
  • Ralph Stansell: for good health
  • Rachael Carr: waiting to get a stem cell transplant for her Crohn's, help her get help quickly
  • Patrick Dement: recovering from a stem cell transplant..let's pray for him to continue to be disease free!
  • AckMac from Crohn's Forum: stopped responding to Humira
  • Marcy from TN, met on Crohn's Forum
  • kokusgirl: a young lady who gave birth to a baby girl who never woke up, she's with God and the angels and her parents need your prayer through this tough time
  • Dwin: her brother is a Buddhist and always puts down her Christian ways, let's pray he learns to have respect for her beliefs
  • MandyJE: pray for her and her husband to have a child soon :)
  • Angela's friend: she has a brain tumor and is a coma and hasn't been active in a while

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