Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 3: It's God's Plan, Not Ours

Thought of the Day
We must remember that the lives we live are not just ours, they are God's. When things happen that our not in our plans and we get so frustrated and think "it wasn't supposed to happen this way", Let us remember, that is WAS supposed to happen this way. Maybe not in our plans, but in God's plans. And let's face it, his plans trump ours any day! :) And I'm ok with that because He knows what He's doing a lot better than I do!

So when things seem to be going all off plan, remember that they are not your plans, they're God's. Have faith in where He's taking you. You may not see it now, but one day you will and you'll be thankful for it.

Think of all the times things didn't go as planned, but if it wasn't for that other things may not have come to you. For example, the high school love that broke your heart would have kept you from the marriage you have today or the children you have today. The doctors telling you that you were unable to have children, opened your eyes for an adoption that saved the life of a child who didn't get a choice. The extra diaper change before you left for work, making you 30 seconds late for work...and a car accident that happened just before you got there.

Take a minute toda yand count your blessings, because if it wasn't for things not going as planned, you may not have them.

Prayer of the Day
 Dear Lord, thank you for taking over my life and giving me those unanswered prayers. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't hav e the many blessings you have put before me. I'm sorry it takes so long for me to see it sometimes, but I do want you to know I am thankful for all you do in my life. Please continue to turn goodness out of my misfortunes or deviations from plan. Your plan is much better than mine, Lord, and I accept it as my own. Thank you for being a faithful and merciful, Lord.  In your beautiful and gracious name I pray. Amen.

Prayer List
  • John: his son is at a job interview in a bad neighborhood, pray that he'll be safe, and if he gets the job, he can help the people in the neighborhood
  • LillyMaria: needs guidance and good health
  • Charlotte: grieving over the loss of her beloved pet, May Abby rest in peace, she doesn't have to suffer any more
  • Ashlee: having heart problems and needs to see a doctor immediately but having financial problems, single mom of 3 boys, 2 of which have special needs, help her find a way to be checked out and let her be healthy
  • Tammi: having an ant infestation in her front yard, pray they are eliminated and she doesnt have a problem with them
  • Kokusgurl: lost her baby 7 weeks ago, her daughter Briana is sick and may be being diagnosed with Crohn's disease, let's pray for their emotional and physical well being
  • Carmen: has a tumor on her pancreas, let her be cured; also Carmen is a therapist, so pray for her patients to find guidance though this time and in the future
  • Angela: if her meds fail, she will be wheelchair ridden. pray they work better than ever and her medical therapy continues to do her well
  • Tanya: please pray for her healing, she has a crushed disc in her  spine from her job and refuses to stop working and they can't do surgery
Quote(s) of the Day

  • God's blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.    Proverbs 10:22

  •  'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'     Jeremiah 29:11


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