Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 2: Let go and let God

If you are battling with something today, give it to God. He is the only one who can truly handle your problems. So if you're already being proactive, and things just can't seem to work out right, then you know it is time to give it to God and let Him handle it.

Remember this: if it's within your control, pray about it and take charge of it. If it's beyond your control, pray about it and let what's supposed to happen, happen.

Also remember if it's not worth praying about, it's not worth worrying about!

Prayer: Dear Lord, please take my problems from me today. I'm handing them over to you now. I trust you with my life. Guide me. Lead me. Take care of me. I'm not strong enough to do it all on my own. I'm only strong enough with you by my side, Lord. Walk with me when I can do things on my own. Carry me when I feel like I can't make it through. You are my rock, my fortress, Lord. Please take my problems, my anxieties, my faults, my depression, everything that ails me, Lord, take them from me and take care of them for me. I put all my trust in you, Lord. In your holy and merciful name I pray. Amen.

Prayer List
  • truthlives: has bad throat spasms and needs God's healing
  • Charlotte: had eye surgery today and had to put her precious dog down due to kidney failure, she owned her pet for over a decade and needs support through this tough time
  • Kelly: pray to guide through through her time in high school
  • Jenn: having emotional and physical problems
  • Jons' parents: please pray that Jon will call them, I've asked him to several times and he never does, I know they miss him
  • Ron: having heart problems, pray for his physical healing
  • Diana: has joint pain, pray for her healing
  • Kayko: just underwent colon removal, let's pray for her quick recovery and lifelong remission!

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