Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Leave the Judgement to God

You judge me by human standards, but I do not judge anyone. (NLT) -John 8:15

It is so difficult not to judge. However, Jesus Christ showed it is possible not to judge others as a human being. Your own dog has this concept down pretty well. As you go through your day try to hone in and determine what areas you are more likely to judge. Be vigilant in your thoughts and attitudes that you can spot any duplicity in your thinking.

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We may think we know right from wrong and it's ok to help guide others, but we should never judge anyone else. Who are we to judge? God? I think not. He is the only one with the right to judge and He will judge all of us one day so do not take it upon yourself to do His job. None of us are without sin, therefore we cannot be hypocrites. Leave the judgement to God and do what He tells you to do, love one another!

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