Saturday, March 19, 2016

Peace With The Lord

You Can Always Have Peace

Satan relentlessly attempts to steal everything God has provided for His children through Jesus Christ. Peace is one of the biggies; it is one of the things he works extra hard to prevent us from enjoying.

Remember, we have peace—Jesus provided it—but we must appropriateit. That means to take it and use it for our own use. Satan does everything he can to keep us from doing this, beginning with deception; he wants us to think that peace is not possible, that it is not even an option.

When we have a challenging situation, Satan says, “What are you going to do? What are you going to do?” We frequently don’t know what to do; nevertheless, Satan pressures us for answers that we don’t have. He tries to make us believe it is our responsibility to solve our problems when the Word of God clearly states that our job as believers is to believe—not solve our problems. We believe, and God works on our behalf to bring answers that meet our needs.

A good example of this is found in Exodus 14. The Egyptians were pursuing the Israelites; all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and army were in pursuit of God’s people. When the Israelites found themselves stuck between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army, it seemed hopeless. They could see no way out, so naturally, they became fearful and upset. They began to complain and make accusations against their leader, Moses.

“Moses told the people, Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest” (Exodus 14:13-14).

It may have sounded foolish to the Israelites to stand still, hold their peace, and remain at rest, but that was God’s instruction to them—it was their way to deliverance. When we remain peaceful in tumultuous circumstances, it clearly shows that we are trusting God.

Trust in Him
Don’t say “God, I trust You,” if your actions show otherwise. Trust God with your words and actions; rest in His peace, and He will deliver you.

From the book Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2012 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cast Your Care

Cast Your Care

Is there something in your life that you could be very worried and anxious about if you didn’t decide not to be? Most people do, and if you don’t have something today, you might have something tomorrow or the next day. That’s not being negative, it’s just saying that life is real and you never know exactly what is going to come your way. But we do know God, and we don’t have to live in fear. He is with us and He’s on our side.

A lot of bad things happened to me in the early years of my life, and I got to the point where I was afraid that bad things would happen. Proverbs 15:15 calls that “evil forebodings,” which means you have this sense that you are waiting for the next disaster. I’ve learned that instead of doing that, I can expect something good to happen in my life and to expect it on purpose.

You can choose your own thoughts. You don’t have to just think whatever falls in your head. You can cast out wrong thoughts and choose right thoughts. Faith starts in our hearts, as a gift from God, but it is released when we think and speak right things that line up with God’s Word. When we have a problem, we can either do what the devil wants us to do and worry about it, get anxious and try to figure things out on our own, or we can do what God wants us to do and think about the promises in His Word.

The Bible teaches us to cast all of our care on God because He cares for us (see 1 Peter 5:7).

Throughout our married life, every time we’ve had a problem, Dave has had one answer: “Cast your care.” It’s not wrong to acknowledge our problems, but we need to tell them where they stand in relation to God. Worry sees the problem, but faith sees the God Who can handle the problem.

Trust in Him
Will you worry and have anxiety today, or will you cast your care and choose to trust God instead?

From the book Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2012 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Do Not Fear

It’s No Surprise to God

One of the strongest and most persistent fears people experience is the fear that they won’t have what they need. We want to feel safe in every area of life. But we’re constantly attacked with the fear that we won’t have what we need—whether it’s finances, relationships, or the ability to do what God has called us to do.

More than any other command in Scripture, God tells us not to fear. God never promises us a trouble-free life, but He does promise us His presence and the strength (mental, physical, and emotional) we require to get through our troubles.

Several years ago, a friend of mine went in for a routine checkup and learned days later that her doctor feared she might have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the most aggressive form of the disease. More tests were needed, and she was told it might take two or three weeks before a confirmed diagnosis could be reached.

I asked my friend how she got through those weeks of uncertainty and if she was afraid. “Yes, I was afraid,” she said. “But I also knew that whatever the outcome was, it would be no surprise to God.” Then she said something else that might be of help to you. She told me she realized that if she worried for three weeks and then learned she had lymphoma, she would have wasted three valuable weeks of her life. And if she worried for three weeks and learned she did not have lymphoma, she would have still wasted three valuable weeks of her life. “Believe it or not,” she said, “I didn’t lose a minute’s sleep for those twenty-one days.”

When the tests finally came back, my friend learned she did indeed have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She had surgery and endured many months of chemo. I’m pleased to tell you that, ten years later, she’s in terrific health. And she didn’t waste three valuable weeks.

Trust in Him
What are you afraid of? No matter what you are going through, it’s no surprise to God. He’s not unsure of what’s around the corner or unprepared for whatever you’re going through. Put your trust in Him and be confident in His plans for your life.

From the book Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2012 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Living Beyond Your Feelings

On any given day, we may feel good or bad, happy or sad, excited or discouraged, and a thousand other things. Although feelings can be very strong and demanding, we do not have to let them rule our lives.

We can learn to manage our emotions rather than allowing them to manage us. This has been one of the most important biblical truths I have learned in my journey with God. It has also been one that allows me to consistently enjoy my life.

If we have to wait to see how we feel before we know if we can enjoy the day, then we are giving feelings control over us. But thankfully, we have free will and can make decisions that are not based on feelings. If we are willing to make right choices regardless of how we feel, God will always be faithful to give us the strength to do so.

Prayer of Thanks: Father, I thank You that I no longer have to let my feelings control me. I am so grateful that I don’t have to wait to see how I feel every day before I know how to act. With Your help, I am going to live beyond my feelings—I’m going to live the joy-filled life Jesus came to give me!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Worry Less, Pray More

Living at Peace

**Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. ***

Peace is one of the most important elements to enjoying your life.

A life of frustration and struggle, a life without peace, is the result of focusing on things you can’t do anything about. When you worry about things beyond your control, stress and anxiety begin to creep into your life.

The apostle Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV).

Once we realize we are struggling with something and feel upset, we need to start praying and immediately turn the situation over to God, thankful He will provide according to His will and offer us peace. You and I are not called to a life of frustration and struggle. Jesus came so we could have righteousness, joy, and peace!

Prayer of Thanks: Father, I am grateful for peace. It is a wonderful gift that You have given me, and I ask for Your help to always be peaceful in every situation.

Whose Ways are Right

A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:2 NIV

We all have moments where we think we know best. Some people even think they know better than God. They know what God says is right but do what they think is right regardless if it is within God’s guidelines for us or not. But when we do wrong, God will weigh on our hearts. We will feel that something is wrong, guilty, and lost. Remember, God's way is always right. If you keep that in mind, you can avoid that weight on your heart as much as possible!

Let the Past Be the Past

Let Your Mess Become Your Message

I encourage people to let go of their past, but never to run from it. The only way to gain victory over the pain of our past is to let God walk us back through that doorway of pain and into victory. No one can achieve victory for us; we have to work out our own salvation. Paul explained this truth in his letter to the Philippian church, saying:

"Therefore, my dear ones . . . work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ). [Not inyour own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight" (PHILIPPIANS 2:12,13 AMP).

We have to let God take us through things and let Him work in us so our mess becomes our message. Difficult things that we have endured in our past prepare us for God's blessings in our future.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2007 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.


Willpower: The Fair-weather Friend

Willpower sure sounds like a great thing. We are led to believe that we have enough of it to fight off every temptation that comes our way. And sometimes it works. But let me tell you a little secret about willpower. Willpower is your best friend when things go well, but it's the first friend to check out when you get weary. I have found that if I really don't want to do something, my mind gives me plenty of reasons why I don't have to. My emotions even join in, saying, "I agree because I don't feel like doing it anyway."

Our soul (mind, will, emotions) would love to run our lives, but the Bible says we are to be led by God's Spirit. We are never instructed to be willpower-led, we are told to be Spirit-led. Willpower and discipline are important and vitally necessary to a successful life, but willpower alone won't be enough. Determination gets you started and keeps you going for awhile, but it is never enough to bring you across the finish line. Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV) says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."

What happens if, instead of turning first to willpower in your time of need, you turn to God instead? God releases His power into your willpower and energizes it to bring you across the finish line. Willpower does not get the credit for our success, God does. Jesus said in John 15:5 (AMP), "Apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing." This is one of the most important and most difficult lessons we must learn if we want to enjoy the life Jesus died to give us.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2007 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.


Willpower: The Fair-weather Friend

Willpower sure sounds like a great thing. We are led to believe that we have enough of it to fight off every temptation that comes our way. And sometimes it works. But let me tell you a little secret about willpower. Willpower is your best friend when things go well, but it's the first friend to check out when you get weary. I have found that if I really don't want to do something, my mind gives me plenty of reasons why I don't have to. My emotions even join in, saying, "I agree because I don't feel like doing it anyway."

Our soul (mind, will, emotions) would love to run our lives, but the Bible says we are to be led by God's Spirit. We are never instructed to be willpower-led, we are told to be Spirit-led. Willpower and discipline are important and vitally necessary to a successful life, but willpower alone won't be enough. Determination gets you started and keeps you going for awhile, but it is never enough to bring you across the finish line. Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV) says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."

What happens if, instead of turning first to willpower in your time of need, you turn to God instead? God releases His power into your willpower and energizes it to bring you across the finish line. Willpower does not get the credit for our success, God does. Jesus said in John 15:5 (AMP), "Apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing." This is one of the most important and most difficult lessons we must learn if we want to enjoy the life Jesus died to give us.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2007 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Love One Another

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. (NLT) -Romans 12:10

How sad it is to see Christians persecuting others for their religion. Of course, it's important to share our faith, but we need to do it as a light to others through love. Desecrating other religions only ostracizes and angers its followers further from wanting to learn more about the love of Christ. Use your faith for good. Respect others and keep the golden rule in mind - love one another.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Smooth Out My Day, Lord

But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and you smooth out the path ahead of them. (NLT) -Isaiah 26:7

If you know that today is going to be a hard day, take comfort in this verse. Say a prayer to ask God to smooth out the day ahead of you. He will go before you and orchestrate circumstances, attitudes, and actions. Be encouraged this morning as you prepare to face your day and know that because of your faith, it will not be steep and rough.

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Worn Out

Come Apart to Stay Together

If you're feeling compelled to do so much that you are physically worn out, you may be driven instead of led. Remember, you have to come apart from a busy routine before you come apart yourself. You have to get away from everything before you come apart physically, mentally, and emotionally. Give yourself time to get a good night's sleep.

It is tempting to do everything that everybody else is doing, be involved in everything, know everything, hear everything, and be everywhere, but it isn't God's best for you. Be willing to separate yourself from the compulsive activity before you come apart at the seams! Spend time with God, and ask Him to give order to your day.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

God is Never Late

In Due Season

"Due season" is God's season, not ours. We are in a hurry, God isn't. He takes time to do things right - He lays a solid foundation before He attempts to build a building. We are God's building under construction. He is the Master Builder, and He knows what He is doing. We may not know what He is doing, but He does, and that will have to be good enough. We may not always know, but we can be satisfied to know the One who knows.

God's timing seems to be His own little secret. The Bible promises us that He will never be late, but I have also discovered that He is usually not early. It seems that He takes every available opportunity to develop the fruit of patience in us. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit that grows under trial.

Developed potential without character does not glorify God. If we were to become a huge success and yet be harsh with people - that would not be pleasing to the Lord. Therefore, if we get ahead of ourselves in one area, He gently but firmly blocks our progress in that area until the other ones catch up.

Remember: God is never late.

Pray: Lord, thank You for Your patience with me. I want everything now, but You are building my life with eternity in mind. I don't understand everything You're doing, but I trust You. Amen.

From the book The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Don't Lose Focus --Joyce Meyer

Don't Lose Focus

Sometimes we lose our focus. We can be walking in love all day, going along fine, until someone comes along and offends us. As soon as we forget our focus of love, we stop making progress and come to a standstill - aggravated, upset, and offended.

Understand that the mind is a battlefield. If you don't stop Satan when he gets into your thoughts, you are not going to stop him from getting into your life. Stay focused. Ask God to help you remain full of love, no matter what comes your way today.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.


Temptation Isn't Sin

Temptation to do wrong can make you feel horrible. You may think, I shouldn't be going through this; I shouldn't be having a problem with this. But God taught me that temptation isn't sin; we sin when we give in to temptation.

The Bible says temptation will come. It doesn't say, "Woe unto him to whom it comes," it says, "Woe unto him by whose hand it comes" (see Matthew 17:7). Jesus told us to pray that we would not give in to the temptation when we are tempted (see Luke 22:40).

Psalm 105:4 is a great way to start your day right. It says, "Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation); seek and require His face and His Presence [continually] evermore."

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Men VS Women: Short Devotional

What's the Difference?

The Bible encourages us to seek understanding. Read a couple of good books on the differences between men and women and also one on the differences in personalities. If you do, it may prevent thousands of arguments or misunderstandings.

Women offer unsolicited advice and give direction, and men usually don't take advice very well. The woman thinks she is just trying to help, but the man thinks she doesn't trust him to make the right decision.

When a woman disagrees with a man, he takes it as disapproval, and it ignites his defenses. Men only want advice after they have done everything they can do. Advice given too soon or too often causes him to lose his sense of power. He may become lazy or insecure.

Men are motivated and empowered when they feel needed. Women are motivated when they feel cherished.

Men are visual creatures; once an image is in their head, it's hard to get it out. Women are more inclined to remember emotions or how something made them feel.

Seek understanding first, then speak.

From the book The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Be Satisfied With God, Not Possessions

Be Fully Satisfied

Many people pursue possessions and awards to satisfy their inner need for contentment. But we can be fully satisfied in lean times and in times of abundance, whether we abase or abound (see Philippians 4:12), when we learn to enjoy fellowship with the Lord as soon as we wake up.

Before you are fully awake, you can start talking to God. Just thank Him for seeing you through yesterday, and for being with you today. Praise Him for providing for you, and for working out all the situations in your life for your good.

Ask Him to make you aware of His presence all day long. Peace fills your heart when your mind is on the Lord. Nothing is more satisfying than walking with God.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Give And You Will Be Rewarded

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
-- Galatians 6:9 NIV

Sometimes we give all we have to help others and feel that is goes unappreciated. However, if you're doing good for God, it will never be unappreciated. God will always appreciate the good we do for Him and when the time is right, we will be rewarded. Be patient and continue your good work!

God Loves You

Today I am reading day 4 of Lecrae - The Overflow Devo: and I wanted to share it with you all! Such a powerful message about how He loves us!

Lucky Ones - Lecrae

In the 1800’s a ragged-looking boy walked for miles through the snowy streets of Chicago, determined to attend a Bible class that was conducted by D.L. Moody. When he got there, he was asked, "Why did you come to a Sunday school so far away? Why didn't you go to one of the churches near your home?" He answered simply, "Because you love a fellow over here."

The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:8 that “God is love.” It is not simply that God “loves,” but that He is Love itself. Love is not merely one of His attributes but His very nature.

Many are ignorant as it pertains to God’s love, and because of this there is very little Real love for God among Christians. Most of our hearts don’t yearn for God because we don’t understand His love for us. The more we understand his love for us, the more our hearts will be drawn out into love for God.

“I love Lucy”. I love NY. NBA – “I love this Game”. TV – “I love money”. Everyone uses it, but few understand what depth love has. So when it comes to the LOVE of God or Divine LOVE, we just cut and paste their definitions on GOD.

For each of us, there is always an object of this affection of ours. But, whether we are saying, “I love pizza,” or “I love my wife,” with our love, there is always a reason or condition.

The first aspect of God’s love we must understand is that it is unconditional or uninfluenced. This means that there is nothing about the objects of God’s love that prompt Him or motivate Him to love them.

While we love people for reasons or conditions, God loves freely and spontaneously without conditions. He doesn’t love us cause we are cute or have money, or because we lived perfectly or did something right or pray everyday. He loves us because it’s His will to do so.

Deuteronomy 7:7-8 states, “It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but it is because the Lord loves you…” (ESV)

His love is sovereign. Because God is God, He does as He pleases; because God is love, He loves whom He pleases. God declares, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Romans 9:19). Yet there was no more reason in Jacob why he should be the object of Divine love, than there was in Esau. We try to earn respect from people, and we fight for peoples’ love. We spend our lives trying to win over people – NOT GOD. THERE was NOTHING in me to attract the heart of God. My heart was deceitful and desperately wicked.

The only thing I motivated God to do was to hate me and throw me into the darkest pit of Hell. I did everything to repel him, everything to make him despise me – sinful, corrupt, no good thing in me.

Love was the reason that Brought Christ to Earth!


Christ DIED not to make God love us but BECAUSE HE DID love us!

If you ever doubt the LOVE of GOD you go back to the cross. You think God isn’t loving toward you? Go back and look at the Person of Christ.

Hear 'Lucky Ones' at

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

You Need Faith

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. (NLT) -Hebrews 11:6

When something bad happens to you, and you have faith in God, your attitude changes. You begin to figure out why God wants you to go through tough times and what He wants you to learn from it. When you see that bad situation happened for a reason, you begin to trust God even more. Eventually, you want to allow Him into more areas of your life. Sincerely seek the Lord today in prayer.

Note from me:
Sometimes people go to God when things go wrong,  some even blame Him. Yet at the same time, they claim to not believe in Him. You cannot expect God to get you out of your troubles if you do not believe in Him. However, by just having belief, or faith,  in God,  you will see your life change significantly. Even if the circumstances do not change,  your reactions will...because of God; and ultimately, you will be happier than you were without faith.

Be Patient and Wait for the Lord

Wait for the Lord ; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord .
----Psalm 27:14 NIV

So many if us get impatient when we want something, even pray for something, and it doesn't happen when we want it to.

It is key to remember these 2 things:
1. Our plans don't always equal His plans
2. If our plans are what God wants for us, they will happen on His time schedule and not our own.

God is always there with us and He hears all our prayers. Be patient. Trust Him. He will answer them at the right time.

Faith = Trust

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (NLT) -Hebrews 11:1

Faith can be simplified to mean trust. It's trusting in God even though you can't see, smell, or touch Him. It's trusting that He loves you and will always have your best interest at heart. Once you believe that He loves you, it becomes easier to place more faith in Him. How are you faithfully trusting in God?

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Leave the Judgement to God

You judge me by human standards, but I do not judge anyone. (NLT) -John 8:15

It is so difficult not to judge. However, Jesus Christ showed it is possible not to judge others as a human being. Your own dog has this concept down pretty well. As you go through your day try to hone in and determine what areas you are more likely to judge. Be vigilant in your thoughts and attitudes that you can spot any duplicity in your thinking.

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We may think we know right from wrong and it's ok to help guide others, but we should never judge anyone else. Who are we to judge? God? I think not. He is the only one with the right to judge and He will judge all of us one day so do not take it upon yourself to do His job. None of us are without sin, therefore we cannot be hypocrites. Leave the judgement to God and do what He tells you to do, love one another!


Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. (NLT) -Proverbs 13:12

A dream can be a very good thing because it overcomes complacency and can fill you with life. When you dream, be purposeful about how you choose to include God. Keep Him smack in the middle of it all. Otherwise, your dream can take on an unhealthy desire, which can absorb your heart and mind away from God. Keep tweaking your dream and making sure you leave ample room for God to be in the center of it.

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Be sure to include God in all your dreams. If He doesn't have a place, then reevaluate those dreams! Include Him in all you do and all you dream to do!

Monday, February 8, 2016


Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. (NLT) -Luke 6:38

Be generous with your generosity to others. Whether in word, deed, action, or object, gift others often. Yes, it's true some people will be more grateful than others. But we really shouldn't be giving solely to have someone indebted towards us. Your gift can be anything such as time, kind words, friendship, babysitting, transportation and on and on. The next time you find yourself clinging to something, that's the time to give it away. It will only come right back.

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When Someone Is Suffering

Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words. (NLT) -Job 2:13

Is a loved one walking through a difficult time? We try so hard to say the right thing to comfort. We desperately want to say words that will take all of the pain away. Sometimes, our words aren't enough and, perhaps, our words rub the wrong way. Mostly, the greatest comfort you can give is like that of Job's three friends. No one said a word but they sat with him. Is there a friend in your life who could use your presence today?

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

This is My Command

This is my command: Love each other. (NLT) -John 15:17

Do you need to make amends with a friend? Take the time to express yourself and share your feelings. Once you've done this, then begin to work at building the relationship back. Be careful not to linger on the hurts. Be graceful and extend honor to the other person by giving them the benefit of the doubt. Care for your friend out of love.

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Love everyone on this earth! No matter their race, background, career, etc we should love each and every person and be willing to be there for them in any way we can.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Silver Coins

However, we don't want to offend them, so go down to the lake and throw in a line. Open the mouth of the first fish you catch, and you will find a large silver coin. Take it and pay the tax for both of us. (NLT) -Matthew 17:27

Would you be surprised to find a silver coin in a mouth of a fish? Well, these "silver coins" come to us in many forms each day. While we may work to earn it on earth by "throwing in a line", it is really a blessing from God to provide us with our daily bread. Let's live and work each day with passion and leave the "tax payment" worries to God.

Sharing this devotion from my daily devotion app!
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Nurture Your Faith

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches." (NLT) -Matthew 13:31-32

Are you nurturing your seed of faith? Do you regularly water, weed, and fertilize it for optimum growth? Steady plotting of spending time reading, praying and praising God will result in a beautiful tree of faith. Pretty soon your strong faith will be attractive to all who surround you. Start today with putting 15 minutes of your focus on God.

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Try starting a prayer journal. Write down your prayers, letters to God,  blessings, Bible verses, or anything that helps you spend time with God.

Trust God, Not Luck

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. (NLT) -Philippians 4:19

Do you look towards luck or superstition to have an impact on your circumstances? Don't you want more than a random chance of good fortune? God has a purpose in our lives and everything happens for a reason. It's always to draw your heart closer to Him. Work on uncrossing your fingers and instead say a prayer. There's more power in purpose than random chance!

From me: I know I used to be one to be superstitious with certain objects thinking they caused good or bad luck and I had to learn that behaviors and objects are not lucky or unlucky; God is working in our lives and He places events in our lives for a reason. We need to trust in Him and that He has a plan for each of us.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Turn Your Hurt to Power

Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing. (NLT) -Proverbs 12:18

Whether you recognize it or not, you are not the only one walking around with hurts, scars and open wounds. If you are able to look beyond your hurts for a moment, you can then truly see how much power you have. You actually have the power to build someone up! As a result you will find healing in watching your powerful words become fuel for empowerment to the person you speak into.

I recommend downloading this daily devotion app! It gives you morning and evening devotion and you can even share it to Facebook or Twitter!

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Beautiful Blessings

This devotion is from my daily devotion app:

For the LORD is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his thoughts to mankind. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads on the heights of the earth. The LORD God of Heaven's Armies is his name! (NLT) -Amos 4:13

If you haven't noticed lately, we are surrounded by beauty every day. From deep blue oceans to chipper birds full of songs, all of it was created by God for His glory. With all of the earth singing His praises, He still shares Himself with us and pursues us. Let's give glory to God for all of the blessings He bestowed on us.

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Now i would like to add to this. I would like to encourage everyone to take at least 5-10min a day to just stop, go outside or look out a window and appreciate whatever you see: the height of the trees, the tops of the mountains, the little creek or shapes of the leaves. They each serve a purpose in our lives (oxygen, shelter, etc) that we so often take for granted. Take time to reflect on what God gave you.

I would like to encourage each of us to not only give glory and praise to the beauty He blessed us with on Earth through nature, but also by giving glory to the beauty He gave each one of us physically and emotionally. We all have beautiful, functional bodies regardless of our shape, size, color and handicap. We're alive because He gave us beautiful human bodies to inhabit! And He blessed us with beautiful, unique personalities! We are all so different and it's wonderful! Our differences balance each other, help us grow and make the world a much more wonderful and fun place! Praise God!!

Sharing Our Celebrations

And Nehemiah continued, "Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don't be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!" (NLT) -Nehemiah 8:10

Have you ever thought about giving to others when you celebrate? Do you incorporate generosity into celebration?

Isn't that a way to invite God into your celebration as well? The next time you get consumed with an event like throwing a party or Valentine's Day try to incorporate blessing those less fortunate as a way of honoring the celebration.

Lobe this daily devotion app!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

5 Ways Christian Relationships Look Different

Here are five ways dating as a Christian is (theoretically) different from modern dating:

1. You won’t rank number one.

Romantic comedies — really pop culture more broadly — would have you believe the person you date should worship you: you should be the air that person breathes, the reason for his or her existence. Sounds wildly romantic, right? Maybe. But, the Christian perspective is a bit different, at least when it comes to the bigger picture, which has implications for relationships and dating.

In an Atlantic article titled “Jesus Is Ruining My Love Life,” the author (not a Christian) writes about being in tears when her boyfriend admits rather unashamedly to loving Jesus more than he loves her. While that’s hard to hear — and difficult to live out — Christians believe it. God doesn’t exactly stutter when he tells people to put him above all else — it’s his first commandment, and Jesus echoes him inLuke 14:26 and Matthew 22:37.

Christians stray from modern dating conventions by not treating any human relationship as the be-all and end-all. That place is God’s. Really, it’s comforting to know that when your significant other fails you, or if the entire relationships fails, you don’t lose your source of worth.

2. You were made to be in relationship.

When society isn’t saying that your significant other should worship the ground you walk on, it’s telling you to focus on yourself, your success, your career — all of it starts to sound rather anti-relationship. As if you shouldn’t look for a relationship until you’ve achieved all you wanted to in life. As if choosing said relationship is, well, weak. But, in looking at the Christian story, you see that people were actually made for relationship.

Look at Adam — you know, from Genesis. The first words out of his mouth ever are, “At last!” It’s an exclamation Adam makes after God creates for him Eve. As if something inside of him had been longing for this person, this relationship — because he was made to be in one. I haven’t reconciled that with the apostle Paul’s bleak view of marriage, but God does say inGenesis 2:18, “It is not good that the man should be alone.”

It’s worth revisiting the idea that all people are made in the image of God. So, what does God look like? In Epic, John Eldredge writes, “How wonderful to discover that God has never been alone. He has always been Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has always been a fellowship. This whole Story began with somethingrelational.”

3. Relationships are about more than feelings.

We’re constantly told to find someone who will make us happy. While that’s true to an extent — of course you shouldn’t be with someone who makes you miserable — human emotions (like happiness) are fickle. You’ll wake up one day and you won’t feel that overwhelming passion to be with the person you couldn’t take your eyes off of yesterday. Do you jump ship and look for Mr. or Mrs. Right elsewhere?

Seth Adam Smith, author of Marriage Isn’t For You, wrote on his blog: “. . . real love isn’t just a euphoric, spontaneous feeling — it’s a deliberate choice — a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health.” Sure, relationships involve chemistry and attraction, but that doesn’t keep them. Even in dating, there is commitment. You make a choice to meet that person’s emotional needs when you least want to, when you don’t feel that spark.

Dating isn’t about compatibility or the superficial qualities you think are attractive. Christianity reorients your mindset so you seek to be the one, not just find the one. (I’m not suggesting that “the one” exists, but you get the point.)

4. You have to be willing to look the fool.

It’s totally against human nature to be comfortable putting yourself out there, even within the context of a relationship. Our culture values that blasé, play-it-cool attitude that tells you to wait eight hours to text back. But that thinking is so contrary to how Christians would interact were they modeling themselves after, well, Christ.

Jesus made the first move by coming to earth and displaying his sacrificial love for humanity. That should give you the security to risk looking foolish in your relationship — to forgive first when you don’t want to, to clarify intentions when it’s easy to be ambiguous, and to express emotions knowing that person might not feel similarly. In The Four Loves, Christian apologist C.S. Lewis writes, “To love is to be vulnerable.”

5. Dating isn’t meant to be done in a bubble.

One of the implications of being made for relationships is that much of Christian life is done in community, hence the Bible studies, and the small groups, and the prayer fellowships. In Relevant magazine, Emerson Eggerich, who runs the ministry Love and Respect, advises Christians to involve godly people in their dating lives, and idea that goes against societal norms — “there’s so much isolation today and so much autonomy that we’re losing a gift God has given us by receiving this kind of input.”

As with every other aspect of life, so with your dating life — it’s meant to be shared. If the church is a family (it’s not called a fellowship for nothing), in it are brothers and sisters — peers who will relate to your struggles and joys, but also older members who can impart wisdom — all eager to help you discern where your relationship is and where it should go.

Source :

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Book of Acts: Serving

What the book of Acts tells us about serving:

**My hope for you after reading this article is the inspiration to start serving your community

The Acts of the Apostles depicts the early church working hard to grow itself and serve others in the face of opposition, shortages of people and money, government bureaucracy (church bureaucracy came later), internal strife, and even the forces of nature. Their work shows similarities to what Christians face in non-church-related workplaces today. A small group of people put all their heart into work that brings Christ’s love to people in every sphere of life, and they find the amazing power of the Holy Spirit at work in them as they do it. If this is not what we experience in our daily work, perhaps God wants to guide, gift, and empower our work as much as he did theirs.

Work takes center stage, as you might expect in a book about the “acts” of the leaders of the early church. The narrative is abuzz with people walking, speaking, healing, giving generously, making decisions, governing, serving food, managing money, fighting, manufacturing clothes, tents, and other goods, baptizing (or washing), debating, arguing, making judgments, reading and writing, singing, defending themselves in court, gathering wood, building fires, escaping hostile crowds, embracing and kissing, holding councils, apologizing, sailing, abandoning ship, swimming, rescuing people, and through it all, praising God. The men and women in the book of Acts are ready to do whatever it might take to accomplish their mission. No work is too menial for the highest among them, and no work too daunting for the lowliest.

Yet the depth of the Book of Acts stems not so much from what the people of the early church do, but why and how they engage in this amazing burst of activity. The why is service. Serving God, serving colleagues, serving society, serving strangers—service is the motivation behind the work Christians do throughout the book. This should come as no surprise because Acts is in fact the second volume of the story that began in the Gospel of Luke, and service is also the driving motivation of Jesus and his followers in Luke. (See Luke and Work for essential background information on Luke and his audience.)

If the why is service, then how is to constantly challenge the structures of Roman society, which was based not on service but exploitation. Luke continually contrasts the ways of God’s kingdom with the ways of the Roman Empire. He pays attention to Jesus’ and his followers’ many interactions with the officials of the empire. He is well aware of the systems of power—and the socioeconomic factors that support them—operative in the Roman Empire. From the emperor to nobles, to officials, to landowners, to freemen, to servants and to slaves, each layer of society existed by wielding power over the layer below. God’s way, as seen in the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, is just the opposite. God’s society exists for service, and especially for service to those in weaker, poorer or more vulnerable positions.

Ultimately, then, Acts is not a model of the kinds of activities we should engage in as Christ’s followers, but as a model of the commitment to service that should form the foundation of our activities. Our activities are different from the apostles’, but our commitment to service is the same

Source :

Tips On How to Pray

How to Pray

1. Say hello! 
When a friend enters a room, the first thing most people do is say hello or throw up a wave or nod. In many ways, this is the beginning of prayer: an acknowledgement of God's presence. When we walk into a Church, we genuflect in front of the tabernacle to humble ourselves while we acknowledge and reverence the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist inside. As you begin to pray, whether it's just walking somewhere during the day, in a chapel or in your room, take a moment to acknowledge whose presence you are in. 'Be still, and know that I am God' (Psalms 46:11).

2. Be yourself. 
So many people think that holiness is unattainable, and that to pray we need to look like a statue of St. Francis with our hands folded piously. The reality is that we were created to be in communion with God, and He desires to be in a relationship with us. He doesn't want you to be a carbon copy of a past saint. He created you with your own gifts and passions, and wants to shine through you uniquely in them. Come to him as you are and let Him transform you into the saint He wants you to be!

3. "Teach us to pray' (Luke 11:1).Jesus' apostles asked Him these words, and that conversation resulted in what we call the 'Our Father' prayer. If his own apostles asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, how much more should we ask him to teach us to pray! Ask God to help you and know that He listens. 'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you' (Matthew 7:7).

4. Hit the brakes! 
The world we live in today blasts us with media and noise from every direction all day, from texting to music to tv and internet. These aren't bad things, but too much can be distracting from our relationship and conversation with God. “Silence is so lacking in this world which is often too noisy, which is not favorable to recollection and listening to the voice of God” (Pope Benedict XVI). Take 10 minutes every day from the time you spend on facebook or tv, and use that time to pray. Put God back at the center of your heart and mind.

5. Keep it alive. 
A prayer life that isn't kept up is like a pond with no water flowing in or out. It becomes stagnant. There's no oxygen coming in, and it becomes uninhabitable. All you’ll find is scum and mosquitos. Nobody likes mosquitos; don't be that person. Yet a person who cultivates their relationship with God in prayer finds a much different picture. There is fresh water flowing in and out of the pond. It is life giving! There are flowers and trees that grow along the sides. Your prayer life will affect the other areas of your life.

'Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, Nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the LORD is their joy; God’s law they study day and night. They are like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields its fruit in season; Its leaves never wither; whatever they do prospers' (Psalms 1:1-3).

6. Let it transform you. 
Practice makes perfect. The entire Christian life, including prayer, is something that we have to work on to become better at it. God can do amazing things in us through our reaching out to him in prayer!

'Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven' (St. Ephraem of Syria).