Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's spring!

It's Spring. God is giving us a chance to renew ourselves and start fresh. A time for new beginnings. All He asks of us is to repent and ask for forgiveness. A simple request for such a generous reward. Prayer starter: Lord, i am not perfect. I have made mistakes. I have taken the wrong path a time or two. But i want to be more like you. I want to start anew and live my life under your wing, Lord. Guide me and nurture me. Through you, my life can and will be better. I am your humble servant. From this point on, i will live out your will and your word and i know through you, I will have true happiness. Amen. Prayer List 1. Candice: she is troubled and has lost her way. She needs Gods patience, love, and sensitivity. 2. Ralph and Linda: both are ill and need healing 3. Elaine: is sick and disabled and needs healing and relief 4. Jasper and Alex: two children with a stomach bug on their spring break 5. Ashley: has lost her way, is a heavy sinner and has lost custody of her two children. Would rather party than see her kids. She needs guidance and maturity. 6. Jennifer: is confused and troubled. Needs guidance to show her the correct path 7. Tammi: is sick and having financial struggles

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