Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I want to apologize if any post is cut off mid word or sentence. I am working to correct this malfunction and will do my best to keep it from interfering with prayers and devotions! God bless you all and your patience! Please post a comment if you would like to make any suggestions, comments, concerns, questions, and most importantly...prayer requests!! Prayer is powerful!!! And if you post your prayer requests, i guarantee hundreds will be praying for you daily! God is an amazing God. Let us not forget to praise Him as such! :)

Life or Death

You know a year ago i wanted to work on corporate America. My dream was to work in the fashion industry. Success to me meant money and advanced degrees. Then life hit me. And it hit me hard. I advise you to look at my other blog at And see the journey i was forced to go through. I was literally staring death in the face. In the last 3 years, i was beaten constantly by my ex, forced to marry a man i despised, was homeless, and fell severely ill and was dying and in need of chemotherapy and new stem cells. All the dreams i had worked so hard to achieve were distant accomplishments. But i wouldn't change one second of it. Not even one. I am now a new and better person for it. The life that was given to me was the life God intended for me. It was as far from the life i planned as possible. But that's just it...WE shouldn't determine our fate. GOD does! Because of my last few years of dreadful experiences, i know have the will, the desire, the fate, and the power to work with sick and abused women to help them regain self confidence. I now want to work with non profit organizations to help these women (and their children) be the best they can be. God spoke to me and i finally feel i have a higher purpose. In fact, i know i do. He kept me alive through all this for one reason: to serve Him though helping others. What some would call the worst years of my life, i call the best. This is true for each and every one of us. When it's raining, when it's pouring, remember those rain drops are there to fill the river in which your life should be guided along. Don't let life get you down. There's a reason, a higher purpose, for all experiences. Both good and bad. For all of lifes events are merely preparations for our true purpose in life. What an amazing concept!! We experience things in order for us to connect with a certain group of people. For example, if i was never beaten, how could i truly and whole heartedly connect and relate to abuse victims. But because of that trauma, i can now support and guide other survivors and hopefully either lead them to Christ or help strengthen their bond with Christ. Then they can in turn do the same for others! Wow! How about that wonderful cycle of God's love!! So please remember your duty to God, your purpose on Earth, every time you are facing troubles and adversity! Prayer starter: Lord, give me the strength and courage to make it through the tough times because i know you have a greater purpose in store for me. Help me to recognize this purpose and help me to know when and how to use it. Be by my side as you always are and speak to me when the time is right for me to use my experiences and trauma and knowledge to assist others and bring them closer to you Lord. AMEM . Prayer list: 1. Elaine: ill and needs healing 2. Elyshia: is only 11 weeks from giving birth to her first child 3. Jasper: his 3rd birthday is coming up and he is in the process of outgrowing brittle bones disea

Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's spring!

It's Spring. God is giving us a chance to renew ourselves and start fresh. A time for new beginnings. All He asks of us is to repent and ask for forgiveness. A simple request for such a generous reward. Prayer starter: Lord, i am not perfect. I have made mistakes. I have taken the wrong path a time or two. But i want to be more like you. I want to start anew and live my life under your wing, Lord. Guide me and nurture me. Through you, my life can and will be better. I am your humble servant. From this point on, i will live out your will and your word and i know through you, I will have true happiness. Amen. Prayer List 1. Candice: she is troubled and has lost her way. She needs Gods patience, love, and sensitivity. 2. Ralph and Linda: both are ill and need healing 3. Elaine: is sick and disabled and needs healing and relief 4. Jasper and Alex: two children with a stomach bug on their spring break 5. Ashley: has lost her way, is a heavy sinner and has lost custody of her two children. Would rather party than see her kids. She needs guidance and maturity. 6. Jennifer: is confused and troubled. Needs guidance to show her the correct path 7. Tammi: is sick and having financial struggles